News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 15 products and services HIT THE WORST by inflation year over year, February 2021 to February 2022
The Biden Administration is in desperation mode, trying to save face and win over some voters, with the chum-like bait of student loan relief, before the midterms come in just a few months, but it’s not going to work. Most voters hinge their prime reasons for choosing politicians on the state of the economy, and […]
By S.D. Wells
US FIRST: Most of the food “recalls” during the pandemic are actually foods being diverted to government storage bunkers for the rich and “elite”
The “uber-rich” of the world have an “escape plan” in place for the upcoming food shortage apocalypse, and they aren’t even spending their own money to prepare. Most of the food “recalls” for salmonella, e-coli, and “metal shavings” found in products is actually just a way to divert storable foods to the freezers and basement […]
By S.D. Wells
NEW YORK TIMES says “the time is now” to EAT PEOPLE, in addition to ants, crickets, grub worms, termites, and cockroaches
The Leftists and Globalists seem to want nothing more than every American demented, sick, perverted, murder-hungry, and cannibalistic. This becomes quite evident as Americans witness mainstream media now literally pushing for everyone to eat lab-made food, worms and bugs, and wait for it… each other. The New York Times is normalizing cannibalism, as they squirm […]
By S.D. Wells
HAPPENING NOW: The degradation of future generations via contaminated food, tainted water, toxic medicine, deadly vaccines and more
Worse than ever before, the US government and regulatory agencies have sped up the process of degrading human health, the environment and the entire supply chain for fuel, energy and food. It’s not only part of a master plan of depopulation, but one that is intended to sicken the populace so pitifully that they cannot […]
By S.D. Wells
Animal feed halt is a Biden Regime attempt to wipe out ALL LIVESTOCK and usher in new era of disgusting test-tube meat
From the halting of fertilizer and animal feed shipments to the waves of arson that have burnt down food factories in America, the Biden Administration seems to be strategically and nefariously deconstructing America’s agricultural infrastructure, but why? One reason is to convert the entire “meat” industry from real food into Franken-food. This plan, along with […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways Biden Regime is turning America into a Communist hell-hole
Most Americans cannot fathom that their own government wants to destroy their country. Citizens just can’t wrap their heads around the fact that the CDC and FDA literally want everyone sick and begging for financial aid from the very institution that is solely responsible for bankrupting them. The corruption of the regulatory agencies runs deep. […]
By S.D. Wells
Massive U.S. food shortage coming – get a backup supply ready RIGHT NOW
The hunger-relief organization Feeding America estimates that our country will be short eight billion meals in the next four months. Their food banks put out three times the usual this year, due to Covid-19 joblessness and homelessness, totaling over 17 billion pounds of food. On average, at least 10 percent of Americans cannot afford food […]
By S.D. Wells
DON’T ASK, JUST EAT! Lab-made Franken-meat contains fake blood, fat and muscle… and what else?
That’s correct. You read it right. Fake steak-looking meat made in laboratories will soon be jiggling on restaurant plates next to that baked potato. The fake steaks are literally printed to look just like popular cuts of meat, but they’re not. So what the heck are they? Powerful 3-D printers are making steaks, kicking out […]
By S.D. Wells
Threat of deadly African swine fever virus triggers biggest seizure of U.S. agricultural products in history
U.S. federal agents seized at least a million pounds of pork that was being smuggled from China into the country in more than 50 shipping containers via the ports of New York and New Jersey – meat that could be contaminated with a hemmorhagic virus that wipes out entire pig populations in Asia. African swine […]
By S.D. Wells
AOC’s “Green New Deal” would eviscerate the U.S. food supply and cause mass starvation
It’s truly quite impressive how many people want to make a difference and “save” our planet from the destructive forces that humans put in place and perpetuate daily. From leaking nuclear plants to trillions of pieces of micro-plastics in the oceans, and from chemical pesticides and GMOs on down to hospital waste and bio-sludge, it’s […]
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