News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
International shipping group issues red alert letter warning of imminent global supply chain collapse… widespread famine, power grid failures and economic ruin are right around the corner
For more than a year, we’ve warned that an engineered collapse of global supply lines was starting to unfold. That collapse is now accelerating at alarming speed, with even the International Chamber of Shipping issuing a red alert letter warning of a, “global transport systems collapse” that’s only going to get worse. The culprit behind […]
By Mike Adams
The Dark Winter DIE-OFF begins: Mass vaccination deaths collide with engineered starvation and the collapse of gas and energy
The so-called Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse (leading to mass starvation), financial sector disruptions and an accelerating supply collapse of energy (gasoline, natural gas) needed to heat homes, make fertilizer and power transportation. We […]
By Mike Adams
Labor Day exclusive discounts and coupon codes (from multiple online retailers) for readers and listeners
We’ve gathered up some exclusive discounts and coupon codes for Labor Day sales on preparedness gear, survival supplies and other goodies that seem to be of particular interest right now. Some of the retailers listed below are sponsors of the HRR Situation Update podcast, but others are not. Almost all of them are sold out […]
By Mike Adams
Why God will NOT save humanity… prepare for Hell on Earth as human society reaps the consequences of unleashing mass destruction, death
As globalists accelerate their engineered mass depopulation agenda, we must all remember that God will not intervene until humanity has reaped the consequences of its own destruction. Why is this the case? Because God granted humanity free will, and free will means nothing if those who have it are not allowed to experience the consequences […]
By Mike Adams
ANALYSIS: FDA vaccine authorization accelerated to unleash medical MARTIAL LAW as cover for collapse of the Biden regime
The insane, fraudulent rushing of the Pfizer vaccine into “full approval” status by the FDA — just announced today — was ordered by the collapsing Biden regime. The purpose of this accelerated approval is to allow Biden’s puppet masters to roll out medical martial law as a means to control the population and suppress the […]
By Mike Adams
“PINGDEMIC” insanity: UK government commits nation to starvation suicide by commanding food sector workers to self-quarantine… supply chain “at risk of collapse”
After centuries of global rule, the United Kingdom is committing societal suicide by ordering millions of its workers across food, retail and medicine sectors to self-quarantine in their homes. Grocery store shelves are going bare across the nation, and industry leaders warn that the food supply chain is, “at risk of collapse.” How did this […]
By Mike Adams
The tide is turning: 50 steps for survival and VICTORY against the destroyers
The plandemic engineers and mass murderers will be exposed and stopped. Much like the Third Reich, their conspiracy to exterminate the human race will ultimately fail, and now we’re starting to see a tipping point emerging, leading to a global backlash against Fauci, Daszak, Gates, Soros and all the others who took part in this […]
By Mike Adams
Collapse convergence: Floods, droughts, famine, vaccine biowar and global fiat currency implosion… they’re “stacking” them for maximum devastation
The first thing we all need to recognize is that the catastrophes are being engineered. The covid bioweapon was created in a lab. The vaccine was developed to intentionally achieve depopulation. The “great reset” of the financial system is being planned by the wealthy bankers. Even the floods, droughts and crop failures are mostly the […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger exposes planned takedown of America, ending in martial law, halted elections and Holocaust-level mass extermination via spike protein injections
A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections and unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns and forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination. That plan follows a specific series of events that all orbit around the concept of “planned chaos.” […]
By Mike Adams
South African CHAOS will come to America… farms burn, power infrastructure destroyed, rule of law in total collapse… here’s how to survive it all
This crisis has been entirely engineered by globalists, and it’s all part of the chaos that they want to see erupt all over the world. Largely due to loss of jobs, food scarcity and lockdown tyranny, the impoverished South African citizens are rising up to lash out in anger. As is often the case, they […]
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